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    IL: Republican Party Under Fire For Rejecting MMJ, Doctors Want To Push Its Use

    The Republican Party is making rounds online from Ted Cruz quitting the presidential race to Gov. Bruce Rauner rejecting medical marijuana as a treatment to lots of known diseases on May 2 in Illinois. Doctors who believe that medical marijuana could help treat diseases like diabetes and some...
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    llinois Considers Medical Marijuana For Diabetes And Panic Disorders

    More than 800,000 people in Illinois suffer from diabetes, and those people could soon get their hands on medical marijuana. The marijuana advisory board is now showing support for at least two conditions to add to the Illinois state program--diabetes and panic disorders. Both of which...
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    Marijuana Could Help Treat Diabetes According To New Study

    Studies from 2005 has shown that cannabis can help treat diabetes, but until lately, few evidence has come out to support that theory. Over a decade ago, the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis found a long list of benefits of the drug when given to people, including balancing blood sugar...
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    Marijuana Could Help Treat Diabetes According To New Study

    Studies from 2005 has shown that cannabis can help treat diabetes, but until lately, few evidence has come out to support that theory. Over a decade ago, the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis found a long list of benefits of the drug when given to people, including balancing blood sugar...
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    CFLs and Fluorescents - Dirty Energy

    Alright, now I now this may have been discussed already somewhere on this site, but I can't find it, and it's worth mentioning again if it is. CFL bulbs and Fluorescent lighting in general is now speculated to cause specific problems in human and possibly plant species. With the majority of the...
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    Study: The effect that smoking Marijuana has on Blood Sugars

    Hey guys, I'm new to this forum. I just joined actually. My name is ashpow and I just happen to have Type 1 Diabetes. I've been smoking weed for 2 and a half years now. I've been thinking about doing a study on marijuana and it's effect on my blood sugars. But I need your help. First I...
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