
  1. Ron Strider

    IA: Medical Marijuana Applications Available Today

    Medical marijuana for thousands of Iowans in need - is one step closer to becoming reality. Registration cards are required before you can get the medicinal oil. Applications for the cards go live on Monday, but there are some conditions that need to be met. For the first time, Iowans who...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Petition Growing

    Duncan, OK - The push to legalize medical marijuana in Oklahoma is growing as Thursday's petition deadline nears. Meanwhile, law enforcement and supporters of the plan are debating whether the pros outweigh the cons. Studies show, marijuana could help cancer patients who are going through...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Petition Growing

    Duncan, OK - The push to legalize medical marijuana in Oklahoma is growing as Thursday's petition deadline nears. Meanwhile, law enforcement and supporters of the plan are debating whether the pros outweigh the cons. Studies show, marijuana could help cancer patients who are going through...
  4. C

    Oklahomans For Health Medical Marijuana Petition Now In Duncan

    A petition calling for signatures to get a measure pertaining to medical marijuana on the November 2016 ballot has found its way to Duncan. The organization Oklahomans for Health, which leads the petition, has a 90 day deadline to gather just under 70,000, or 8 percent, of registered voters’...
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