dwc help

  1. T

    DWC fine tuning

    Good evening and happy new year . my name is Tes im new to the site and am looking for a little help. I've been reading all over the internet several websites give seven different answers. Seems to me growing isn't black and white and you just have to jumo in and get your hands dirty to really...
  2. M

    Outdoor DWC system

    Hi! I’m an hydroponic’s beginner who try his first experiment in this fascinating cultivation. I created a simple DWC system consisting of: - 5 litre water tank; - 3 hydroponics pots; - 1 air pump; I chose 3 different plants: wheat, greek basil (the one in the middle) and genovese basil. The...
  3. S

    First DWC Grow

    First of i would like to say that it has taking me sometime to get to this point but with out further a do i bring to you my first Dwc Grow. At this point im at the start of week 4 it has been slow growth because i have already had some problems early on with algae and root rot, plus i had...
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