
  1. DiamondLevelGrower

    Journal Number One: Fritter Glitter By Exotic Genetix & MacDaddy By In House Genetics

    Hey ya'll, I am new here at 420 Magazine's forums and I am getting ready to start a new grow, so what better way than doing a journal on the grow. My goal for this journal is making some new friends here on the forum and pass on any help I can provide. Let's take a look at the strains, equipment...
  2. Bchris22

    Bchris22 Multiple Tent Scrog

    Whats up Mag?? Its been a long time. Once some years back I started a newbie thread and then abandoned it. That guy!! Well I decided to give it another crack. I might have quit on the journal, but not on growing. When I first started out in 2014 I started with DocBuds kit and then I moved...
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