
  1. L

    FirstCheck faint line on UA - Is this a pass?

    Hey all, Chronic smoker for about a year now, but stopped Nov 26th to get clean for a drug test. I took a first check test today and got a faint line on the test. Kind of freaking out since my test is sometime mid-late February. I've posted the photo of the lid, but would you guys consider...
  2. J

    Question about drug test

    Good Afternoon Everyone I just took the dreaded Labcorp test and I am freaking out. Im 5:11 145 pounds 7 percent body fat, pretty well in shape with a very fast metabolism. I have been clean for 22 days since December the 4th. I have been taking the at home drug test with faint lines I get...
  3. S

    Very very faint line of home drug test

    OK so i took a home drug test and the line on it is their but it seems extremely faint im a heavy smoker and only stopped smoking 6 days ago and i had been smoking everyday before then. I have always had a fast metabolism and have always been extremely skinny could that factor in to any of this...
  4. K

    Very faint line on my drug test - Not sure about it

    I have been clean for 3 weeks now, I work as a roofer in Florida so I sweat a lot and I usually drink about 1 and a half gallons of water a day. But the second line is waaay to faint for me to be sure about it.
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