golden tiger

  1. Chuckeye

    Malawi, Golden Tiger, Wild Thailand & Apple Betty From Herbies Seeds

    Greetings, Details first ;) Only one seed was of a nice size with black lines/speckles But they all germinated ! Three floaters and one sinker..... Two days in water and they had all cracked and started to show a tap root. Good enough, into solo cups ! Two days later they were all...
  2. beez0404

    Beez Makes Seeds! Mars Hydro Sponsored Grow: 4x4 Tent, FC-6500 Light & Fan Kit

    Hello Everyone! It has been forever since I've kept a journal here on 420 Magazine. I've had a lot going on in my life the last 6 months but finally it's time to start another journal. This should be a fun one for everyone as it involves making feminized S1 seeds from a Golden Tiger female...
  3. 20190222_214225.jpeg


    We call her Empress Anna. Stacking nicely.
  4. 20190125_012615-2.jpg


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