
  1. KyeaMofire

    Cannabis camo grasshopper

    A few years ago I was shooting a friends outdoor garden and noticed that the grasshoppers in one garden looks different than in the garden next to it. Not like a different type of grasshopper but a different natural color variation. What made this even cooler is that these gardens have been in...
  2. 1110976.jpg


    Grasshoppers are perfectly aware of their own coloration when trying to camouflage Says Universidad Pablo de Olavide UPO
  3. Camoflauge Grasshopper

    Camoflauge Grasshopper

    Grasshoppers are perfectly aware of their own coloration when trying to camouflage
  4. Night Time Snack

    Night Time Snack

    Caught this grasshopper munching on the pitils of Nepal Jam from Ace Seeds.
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