
  1. aminarc420

    1st Grow Ever & My Black Thumb

    So, I've never been great at gardening- In fact, the only plant I've ever tried to care for were cactus and yes, I managed to kill all 5 of them. But nonetheless I wanted to take a crack at growing my own medicine. So I planted 4 of these little guys around the 10th. (This is about 2 weeks...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    Over 90% Of Irish People Support Access To Cannabis On Medical Grounds

    A large majority of the Irish population supports the legalisation of cannabis when recommended for medical reasons by a doctor. A new survey shows that 92% of the Irish population support the use of the drug for medical purposes. Munster showed the highest level of support for the...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Irish Firm Works To Unlock Potential Treatments From Cannabis Extracts

    An Irish company has started research with a number of Irish universities to advance medicines using cannabis extracts. GreenLight is working with University College Dublin (UCD), the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Ulster University and others to research the effectiveness of...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    Irish Firm Works To Unlock Potential Treatments From Cannabis Extracts

    An Irish company has started research with a number of Irish universities to advance medicines using cannabis extracts. GreenLight is working with University College Dublin (UCD), the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Ulster University and others to research the effectiveness of...
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