
  1. E

    Just saying hi

    pleased to meet all u fellow growers hope uall have happy harvest for ever more.jast started ..growing after 22year break.thuoght i knew it all .now no if forgot more than i knew.ahwell can only get better
  2. Archiweedies

    Greeting from Socal

    New here, just wanted to say hi! I read some of OS64's grow journals on here and I knew this was the best place to learn this art. Cheers!
  3. Katelyn Baker

    MA: Pro-Legalization Legislators Knew About That Marijuana Delay Vote

    Lawmakers' speedy and secretive vote to push back parts of the marijuana law by six months didn't come without warning. Many of the state's pro-pot senators were alerted ahead of time about the lightly attended informal session last week that delayed the opening of pot shops to mid-2018, but...
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