learnin it up

  1. steelcap956

    A garden rez holds less than my bladder

    Probably has same temp as well. So I decided to keep f***in with it and did some studying about plant life in general and hydroponic basics. I decided to add Great White mycorrhizae powder to the tap/distilled water I got in the rez. Ppm at 295 temp at 80 and pH 5.9-6.2. that's with MG liquid...
  2. RadarMan420

    RadarMan420's Indoor Dirt Grow 2013 - Learning By Doing

    Hey all! I'm super new to posting here (this is my 3rd post I think?) but have been a fly on the wall for a while, and am really excited to finally be sharing my garden with you! A little bit about my set up, goals, etc.; I will be using a Procyon 100, 3 T-5's, and a 125w Fluorescent veg...
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