
  1. Ron Strider

    Veterans Back Legalizing Medicinal Marijuana In American Legion Survey

    More than 80 percent of veterans support legalizing the medicinal use of marijuana and would want to use it as a potential treatment option, according to a national survey released Thursday by the American Legion. The survey also showed 92 percent of veteran households support research into...
  2. Ron Strider

    Survey Says Veterans Strongly Back Legalizing Medical Marijuana

    Veterans tend to be an older, more conservative group, but that doesn't stop them from advocating for a radical change in direction from the nation's outdated policies on marijuana. The American Legion represents many conservative veterans, but that doesn't stop it from taking progressive...
  3. Ron Strider

    American Legion Adopts Resolution Supporting Medical Marijuana

    The American Legion adopted a resolution at their national convention supporting medical marijuana and urging VA doctors to discuss and prescribe marijuana to patients in states where it is legal to do so. The author of the resolution, Rob Ryan of Ohio, said that he's heard from veterans who...
  4. Ron Strider

    NV: American Legion Adopts Resolution Supporting Medical Marijuana

    The American Legion adopted a resolution Thursday urging the federal government to allow Department of Veterans Affairs doctors to discuss and recommend medical marijuana in states where it's legal, adding to the group's efforts to get cannabis in the hands of veterans it could help. The...
  5. Ron Strider

    American Legion Urges President To Revisit Cannabis For Treatment Of PTSD

    The latest veterans group to join the quest to explore the medical benefits of medical marijuana to treat PTSD is the illustrious American Legion. In a letter sent to President Trump, the group asked for a much-needed meeting with the Commander-in-Chief to discuss rescheduling cannabis, so that...
  6. Ron Strider

    American Legion To Trump: Allow Marijuana Research For Vets

    One of the nation's most conservative veterans' groups is appealing to President Donald Trump to reclassify marijuana to allow large-scale research into whether cannabis can help troops suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The change sought by The American Legion would conflict with...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    IN: Kokomo American Legion Post Passes Resolution Requesting Legal Medical Cannabis

    The American Legion Department of Indiana is set to vote next week on a resolution approved by area veterans asking state lawmakers to setup a statewide cannabis treatment program as a medical alternative for veterans. The resolution was first submitted to Kokomo's American Legion Post 6 by...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    OH: American Legion Favors Studies Of Medical Marijuana

    If politics make for strange bedfellows, then the issue of legalized medical marijuana in Ohio certainly has created a few of its own. The issue has pitted the critically ill and their doctors, who say the drug is safe, cheap and effective, against communities already reeling from the heroin...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    OH: American Legion Favors Studies Of Medical Marijuana

    If politics make for strange bedfellows, then the issue of legalized medical marijuana in Ohio certainly has created a few of its own. The issue has pitted the critically ill and their doctors, who say the drug is safe, cheap and effective, against communities already reeling from the heroin...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    The American Legion Wants Marijuana Reclassified To Help Treat PTSD

    The American Legion is calling for the federal government to reclassify marijuana to acknowledge its potential benefits as a medical treatment. As Jacob Sullum previously noted, The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is stubbornly refusing to change the federal classification of marijuana as a...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    The American Legion Wants Marijuana Reclassified To Help Treat PTSD

    The American Legion is calling for the federal government to reclassify marijuana to acknowledge its potential benefits as a medical treatment. As Jacob Sullum previously noted, The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is stubbornly refusing to change the federal classification of marijuana as a...
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