light cycles

  1. D

    First time grower, working on second batch, have decided to add a second 600 watt grow light

    so i have an adjustable light that can be set at 250, 400, 600, and above 600 which doesnt have a wattage apparently. i just finished my first grow cycle and while i have experience, none of it is specifically relevant to this. i bought a second light, and placed it 25 inches from the other...
  2. S

    11/13 cycle

    Know that folks use a 12/12 cycle - consider a 11/13 cycle - because a plant needs 13 - 13.5 of darkness to trigger flower - doing this will reduce flower time by 1 week with no negative results but increase bud size. have noticed that after 1 week plant looks like it's starting week 3
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