
  1. Ron Strider

    Canada: Manitoba First Nations Want In On Legal Pot Sales

    Three Manitoba First Nations are joining forces to help establish a cannabis distribution network in the province. Opaskwayak Cree Nation, Long Plain First Nation, and Peguis First Nation are banding together with National Access Cannabis, a health-care service provider that helps patients...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    Canada: Fontaine Partners With Producer To Help First Nations Grow Medical Marijuana

    A licensed Canadian pot grower has announced it's teaming up with the former national chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), Phil Fontaine, to help give First Nations communities across the country access to medical marijuana. Cronos Group, formerly PharmaCan Capital, said Tuesday it...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Gathering Of Nations Signs Five-Year Sponsorship Deal With Cannabis Producer

    Albuquerque, New Mexico - Native people have a long history with natural healing and the use of herbal remedies. That's why Gathering of Nations founder Derek Mathews says the powwow's new title sponsor, regional cannabis producer Ultra Health, "is a great fit." Mathews said Wednesday that he...
  4. R

    Patient Advocates Bring Medical Cannabis Issues To United Nations

    While medical marijuana advocates are trying to expand its use in the U.S., some advocates are taking the case to an international body. Today Executive Director of Americans for Safe Access (ASA), Steph Sherer, and Michael Krawitz, who is Executive Director, Veterans For Medical Cannabis...
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