
  1. Ron Strider

    PA: In New Field Of Medical Marijuana Law, Firm Sees Plenty Of Potential Work

    The shingle went up just a few weeks ago: a three-attorney Downtown firm, Cannabis Legal Solutions, LLC, has formed the first local practice specializing in medical marijuana law – but it likely won't be the last. With Pennsylvania's medical marijuana program preparing for launch next year...
  2. Ron Strider

    Cannabis Legal Solutions Caters To Pennsylvania's New Medical Marijuana Industry

    The nascent Pennsylvania medical marijuana industry is creating new work for lawyers statewide. Three attorneys hoping to bring their expertise to this brave new world recently founded Pittsburgh-based Cannabis Legal Solutions. "A lot of people appreciate if their attorneys have knowledge of...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    PA: Pittsburgh Attorney Tries Novel Approach In Fight To Normalize Marijuana

    In April 2016 Governor Tom Wolf signed into law Pennsylvania's Medical Marijuana Act, or Act 16, legalizing medical cannabis for PA residents with serious medical conditions. Now, a Pittsburgh criminal defense attorney believes the new medical law gives him standing to challenge how...
  4. R

    Victoria Works Towards Australia's First Medicinal Cannabis

    KIM LANDERS: The Victorian Government is grappling with new regulatory hurdles as it becomes the first Australian state to legalise medicinal cannabis. Even though State Parliament has passed the legislation, licences aren't yet available to grow or manufacture medicinal cannabis. And as...
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