
  1. Ron Strider

    Canada: Justin Trudeau's Quest To Be Crowned King Of Weed

    Since doper Marc Emery has claimed title of the Prince of Pot, perhaps it is time to crown Justin Trudeau the King of Weed. Thus far, it seems reefer royalty is our prime minister's primary quest, as he is obsessed with pot's legalization – by Canada Day 2018, come hell or high times – while...
  2. Ron Strider

    Ottawa Public Health Ponders Where Marijuana Can Be Used

    There are a lot of unknowns about how marijuana will be consumed when federal legislation kicks in next year. One of the biggest: Where will users legally be able to use cannabis? It's a question Ottawa Public Health is considering. It is also speaking to other municipal agencies, and it might...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    ON: Ottawa To Release Task Force Report On Legalizing Marijuana Tuesday

    Ottawa will release an expert report on legalizing and regulating marijuana Tuesday, the federal health department said. The task force's report will be released in the morning from Ottawa, according to a statement emailed by the department. The review ordered earlier this year by Prime...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    ON: Councillors Ask Ottawa Police About Their Plans For Illegal Pot Shops

    Some city councillors have asked Ottawa police to explain what the force plans to do about the illegal pot shops operating across the city. The chair of the Ottawa Police Services Board, Coun. Eli El-Chantiry, tabled an inquiry at Monday's meeting, saying some councillors and residents are...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    ON: Ottawa Councillor At Odds With A New Marijuana Clinic In His Suburban Ward

    A grey area just got a little wider in Ottawa. A new medical marijuana dispensary is set to open in Stittsville in the city's west end — the first such business to open up in the suburbs. The local City Councillor is not impressed. "I would encourage the police to close it down," says Shad...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    ON: Ottawa Councillor At Odds With A New Marijuana Clinic In His Suburban Ward

    A grey area just got a little wider in Ottawa. A new medical marijuana dispensary is set to open in Stittsville in the city's west end — the first such business to open up in the suburbs. The local City Councillor is not impressed. "I would encourage the police to close it down," says Shad...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    National Cannabis Region - Illegal Pot Stores Pop Up Across Ottawa

    Two Canadian marijuana dispensary chains have moved into Ottawa, opening three stores and planning more. Stittsville is also about to get a marijuana dispensary, which will bring to six the number of store-front businesses illegally selling marijuana in Ottawa. The newest shop, Green Tree...
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