overlord adventure doc bud high brix

  1. Overlords Adventures

    Overlords Adventures

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  2. Overlords Adventures

    Overlords Adventures

    MC 2 starting that leaf curl again
  3. Overlords Adventures

    Overlords Adventures

    Mandarin cookies 1
  4. Overlords Adventures

    Overlords Adventures

    Mandarin Cookies 2
  5. Overlords Adventures

    Overlords Adventures

  6. Overlords Adventures

    Overlords Adventures

  7. Overlords Adventures

    Overlords Adventures

    Top Shot
  8. overlord

    Overlord's Adventures With High Brix

    Hi & Welcome: Time for a new journal, and a few things have changed. For starters I added an environmental controller and switched back to my COB/LED light. Same one I mentioned in my 1st journal back when they were a sponsor here . Next I have switched back to the 8 gallon pots and have put...
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