
  1. Katelyn Baker

    MA: Marijuana Activists To Protest Delay In Retail Pot Shops At High Noon

    Marijuana activists on Friday plan to protest Massachusetts lawmakers who passed a bill inserting delays into the new marijuana legalization law. The protest is planned for "high" noon, outside the Massachusetts State House. MassCann/NORML is pulling together the protest. The group's full...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    AZ: Marijuana-Legalization Supporters Protest At Phoenix Discount Tire

    A group of protesters gathered with signs outside a Discount Tire Co. in Phoenix on Thursday morning to show their opposition to the Scottsdale-based company's donation to the anti-marijuana legalization campaign. Discount Tire recently donated $1 million to the campaign opposing Prop. 205...
  3. S

    Aloha and Mahalo

    Hi Everyone My name is Byron, and I am grateful for everyone's involvement in keeping Cannabis cultivation and usage alive for all these years. I finally decided to get more political as I don't like what is happening in this country. I believe it is my constitutional right to use...
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