short bush

  1. IMG_1973.JPG


    Shiva Skunk... Oozin' loveliness! W5B, indoor, 1000W, soil, well water/PH'ed, Medi One, Big Bud Nutrients
  2. A

    Starting From Scratch - Black Cream Autos - 400W MH/HPS - Soil

    I started a journal a while ago, but seeing how one of my seedlings got burnt and would not grow I had 2 more seeds germinated and here it goes. Unfortunately I was so frustrated during the first week after germination I did not keep in mind of making a journal anew, so there are no photos...
  3. S

    shorty Mc shortster

    This guy is the roundest, shorty I've ever seen. He was grown from a mystery bag of seed. I'm trying to figure out what strain he might be. Hoping it's a girl, entered the flower chamber 4 days ago after a very long veg cycle. I was hoping it would loosen up, if anything it became denser.:thumb:
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