
  1. Katelyn Baker

    SWAT Raids Can Be Deadly, Even For People With Small Amounts Of Marijuana

    Though marijuana use is rarely—if ever—fatal, possession and trafficking can be deadly. A New York Times investigation into the aggressive tactics used by SWAT teams across the U.S. revealed that a startling number of people have been killed as the result of a SWAT raid. Of the 85 fatal raids...
  2. C

    Captain Joint takes info on Mass Confidential Informant Gerald Battistoni to the FBI

    As of a few weeks ago it was made public that the FBI is now looking at GERALD BATTISTONI, a confirmed confidential informant and convicted child rapist in the cold case murder of Molly Bish. I have just gone to the Bangor branch of the FBI to have them look at Gerald Battistoni for a very...
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