the mosaic virus

  1. Mosaic virus

    Mosaic virus

    This is the sick plant but she still goes on! Trooper
  2. Shiva Skunk

    Shiva Skunk

    Wk 5 bloom. This plant has the Mosaic Virus from seed. I just wanted share the the bud growth isn’t affect
  3. Mosaic virus

    Mosaic virus

    Leave splits
  4. Mosaic Shiva Skunk

    Mosaic Shiva Skunk

    Example of Shiva skunk. Looks like early mosaic virus
  5. C

    Possibly TMV problem

    Hello guys, I've decided to make my own post, since I haven't found anything that might help me, across the google search results and also on our threads. So as in the tittle, I suspect the TMV for a long time now. I was worried about this weeks ago, and I'm worried now. But I've decided...
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