
  1. Katelyn Baker

    ON: Ottawa Councillor At Odds With A New Marijuana Clinic In His Suburban Ward

    A grey area just got a little wider in Ottawa. A new medical marijuana dispensary is set to open in Stittsville in the city's west end — the first such business to open up in the suburbs. The local City Councillor is not impressed. "I would encourage the police to close it down," says Shad...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    ON: Ottawa Councillor At Odds With A New Marijuana Clinic In His Suburban Ward

    A grey area just got a little wider in Ottawa. A new medical marijuana dispensary is set to open in Stittsville in the city's west end — the first such business to open up in the suburbs. The local City Councillor is not impressed. "I would encourage the police to close it down," says Shad...
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