
  1. Ron Strider

    Marijuana Legalization Has Quebec Jail Guard Union Worried About Inmate Violence

    Quebec's jail guard union is worried violence behind bars could increase with the upcoming legalization of marijuana. Safety has become a concern for the union, called the Syndicat des agents de la paix en services correctional du Québec, which has members in the province's 18 correctional...
  2. W

    The case to remove cannabis from the drug schedules completely

    The Case to remove cannabis from drug schedules completely Cannabis is currently in Schedule I. Substances in this schedule have no currently accepted medical use in the United States, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Jeff Sessions' Alternative Facts On Marijuana And Legalization

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions became the second member of the Trump administration in less than a week to provide "alternative facts" and backward analysis when it comes to marijuana. Yesterday, in a meeting with reporters, Sessions spoke out against marijuana legalization and implied that...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    Mexican Senate Approves Medical Marijuana Bill

    Mexico's Senate voted overwhelmingly in favor of legalizing medical marijuana on Tuesday after a national debate on narcotics policy in a country mired in brutal drug violence. In a major policy shift, President Enrique Pena Nieto proposed legalizing medical marijuana in April after his...
  5. C

    NYPD Commissioner Has Some Extremely Dubious Claims About Marijuana

    NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said on a local radio show over the weekend that marijuana is responsible for the "vast majority" of New York City's violence, adding that it makes him "scratch his head" as to why states want to legalize marijuana. "Interestingly enough here in New York City...
  6. K

    Just Say Now - It's Time to End Cannabis Prohibition

    Horror stories of SWAT teams invading homes and shooting the family dog have shocked us all and are forcing us to reconsider our values and priorities concerning the Prohibition of Cannabis. This thread will be where we bring our best analysis of the problem, our best fact-finding efforts, and...
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