
  1. Ron Strider

    Canada: Ontario Must Do The Right Thing With Cannabis Revenues

    Both the governments of Canada and Ontario stress that one of their primary objectives as we move to a regime of legalized recreational cannabis is to protect youth. They point to their respective legislative approaches that establish minimum legal age for purchase, penalties for selling to...
  2. Ron Strider

    TEDxMileHigh Joins Protect What's Next Youth Pot-Use Prevention Program

    For this year's iteration of Colorado's campaign to discourage underage marijuana use, the state teamed up with TEDxMileHigh and media company Cactus to take teens on immersive field trips with movers and shakers across Denver. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment''s...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Legalizing Marijuana Raises Revenue, Promotes Freedom

    An initiative on the ballot this year could possibly bring in more than $1 billion of new tax revenue to California while elevating our personal freedom. After funding is distributed for the future of the initiative, 60 percent of remaining profits (estimates suggesting hundreds of millions...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    State Targets Youth Use Of Marijuana

    The state of Oregon last week launched the first steps of a campaign aimed at preventing marijuana use among youth. It's about time, although this is only a pilot campaign aimed first at youths in the Portland metro area and two counties in southern Oregon, Josephine and Jackson. The...
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