420 Magazine letterhead? Pre-written letter?

420 Warrior

Well-Known Member
I know I just keep throwing ideas out there, but it's just mainly food for thought and so when I do have what I think is a good idea I can at least 1st not forget it but 2nd'ly be able to bounce these ideas off other people.

Sorry to just keep piling more on your plate brother because I know everything is being revamped but I just like to think up ideas...my mind just keeps churning them out...lol :scratchinghead::idea::nomo:

I was thinking about a printable official 420 Magazine letterhead to write our letters to our reps on, or even better yet, a printable pre-written letter for our reps, from us to them?

Maybe both of these things?

One for us to physically mail them in and the other to send in via e-mail.

We could even do a weekly petition with our members to sign and send to Washington...or something to that effect?

I just want to see more people involved in action instead of just always about growing...just sayin'

People need to be involved with the bigger picture...you know?

:love:ya' mean it! :Namaste:
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