5 gallon Smart Pots


Well-Known Member
Looking for a little advice. I transplanted my 4.5 week old ladies into 5gal smart pots. They were transplanted from a solo cup. I would use the lift method to see if I needed to water, as well as scratched into the soil until second knuckle to check for dryness. This method worked really well for me with the cups.

However, now that they are transplanted into 5 gal smart pots, it is taking quite sometime for them to dry out. Its been 6 days since I watered the entire 5 gal and the bottom half is still moist. would it be a good idea to water them anyway? They top half is pretty dry.

Couple of pics of the ladies. Can you tell which one I accidentally fimmed?


Wait til they start to wilt before watering. You won't see much growth right now, They're layin down roots and lookin for water. Soon they will "hook up" in the bigger pots and start to motor.

When they start to show signs of wilt, grab the felt and lift one edge of your pot, feel it's weight, water, then lift the edge again, you should be able to feel a weight diff. just by lifting an edge a inch or two.

Week to 10 days, should see roots poking thru the sides down low, ready to flip.
Don't let them dry out after flip, only during veg.
P.S. I've gone as long as 2 weeks no water after up can. Let the plant tell you when it NEEDS water.
Thanks brotha! I wish I read this yesterday, because I decided to just water. fortunately the ladies took well to the watering. The pot was definitely not dry yet. Water started dripping out the sides of them smart pot after half a qt. Gonna leave them alone for about a week and check for wilt.

I'll flip after next watering or 45 days. Whichever comes first
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