A little progress on high tunnel


Well-Known Member
Hello all, well I am a little farther along on my 22x40 high tunnel build but extremely cold temperatures shut me down. It’s finally warming up enough to start on it again. This weekend I should have most of the frame built. Thanks






Hello all, well I am a little farther along on my 22x40 high tunnel build but extremely cold temperatures shut me down. It’s finally warming up enough to start on it again. This weekend I should have most of the frame built. Thanks






Damn my fingers are feeling cold just thinking of working on that.

Covering with poly?
Looks good man.... your property looks like you could be our next door neighbor. We in Upstate NY here. Got exact same snow cover.
Been cold as a witches tits here but yesterday it was sunny and 15C 60F but we back down to normal but its sunny.... 2 days in a row. How bout that blue sky dont see it like that blue very often..
Looks good man.... your property looks like you could be our next door neighbor. We in Upstate NY here. Got exact same snow cover.
Been cold as a witches tits here but yesterday it was sunny and 15C 60F but we back down to normal but its sunny.... 2 days in a row. How bout that blue sky dont see it like that blue very often..
Yes up in the 40’s this weekend so hopefully I will make progress
Fer sure makin a fire tomorrow gotta melt the snow. lol

Now gotta find my stash of dry fire wood. Forgot my trailer for my tractor in the garden before snow.... its snowed in now.

Guess a pu truck gonna do.
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