ADHD and weed

Wake N Bake

New Member
Alright, so ever since i was little i have been on medications to treat my ADHD. Many of the medicines i have been on were amphetamine based and would make me jittery and have all sorts of "ticks" and "twitches". At one point it got to where one of my "ticks" (blinking the eyes) was so bad that I would constantly and rapidly be blinking my eyes, it got so bad I had to have muscle relaxers injected into muscles around my eyes to stop the constant blinking.

So where am I going with this? Alright, most of the medicine never worked that well, I still got in trouble in school, and even though I am very bright (though not to brag) I would just barely get by in school.

Then I discovered pot.

It helped me relax and the homework that would normally take me hours and hours of procrastinating and just taking a long time, would now take me 30 minutes to an hour or so.

As with some ADHD people depressents often have a reverse side effect of what it should have. That being making me have pep and energy. I really loved the combination of having the drive to do things, while still being very relaxed and chill.

Now that im out of the house I dont have the money or the time to see doctors for perscription ADHD medicine and find that weed is often times a very helpful study aid.

Does anybody else with similar neurological disorders experiance the same effects from bud? If so, this may be one more arguement for medical marijuana (though, I very highly doubt it since there is already a giant industry based on making drugs for ADHD.)
Wake N Bake, my best friend and my girlfriend both have ADHD, and they have both mentioned to me, individualy and before ever meeting one another, that pot eliminated their need for medication and eased the symptoms of their disorder. You are the third person now to mention this to me, and this verifies what everyone already knows; marijuana DOES have medicinal benefits. It aparantly helps ease the symptoms of ADHD.
It doesn't surprise me.
Any time I sit at a lecture stoned, I get totally engrossed.
I'd recommend replacing your speed, which is all ADHD meds are really,(I've seen so many kids get fucked up on their adderal) with pot.

I think its funny when people characterize being high as being unable to pay attention. It's so far from the truth.
Yeah my friend has the same problem and when we were kids he used to get into so much trouble for smoking but his mom never realized that it actualy helped him.
Yes, one of the reasons I smoke is that it helps me focus on things that are important:school, my relationship, even getting stuff done around the house. Basically it was hard for me to focus on those things before I started smoking regularly. I actually didn't graduate high school because I just got bored with going to class. Now I'm in college with a straight A average, my relationship is better than ever and I'm way more responsible. My life has improved so much. And I'm not saying it's this magic thing that makes everything better, but because it helps with my ADD, it allowed me to help myself make my life better, wheras before my mind was just all over the place and I couldn't slow it down for anything. I've read about a type of ADD called Racing Brain Syndrome, and although I haven't been officially diagnosed the symptoms are so close to home it must be something similar to that. Anyway I think they should totally make it a legal drug for treating ADD and ADHD. I would never take any other kind of medication for my ADD by the way.
It also helps with my anxiety. My doctor wanted to put me on tranquilizers for it and I said, let me try smoking more, I think it will help. He didn't write me a formal reccomendation, but he said go ahead, and he was impressed with the results.
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