All About Terpene Supplements: Holy Grail Thread Spin-off


Parameters for our trials have been very narrow in this respect. I can't imagine, however, any base product would be inappropriate to use with terpene additive enhancement with some simple safeguards.

Terpene additives, as natural occurring terpenes in our cannabis, are highly volatile and can be very difficult to maintain with the introduction of heat. Evaporation will also occur quickly in an open container.

The only edibles we've used with terpene additives are those that didn't require heat.

Ethanol extracted tinctures are one of our favorite delivery systems. We often evaporate the tincture to condense it to a desirable strength. We never add the terpene until after the evaporation process is complete.

We've all chosen to pass on inhalation for various reasons. At our age, life has generally impaired our pulmonary system and has limited the capabilities of proper transfer. Also, I find it more difficult to avoid an unwanted "stoney" effect.

I'll point out once again, FDA has not issued a GRAS certification for inhalation of terpene additives. Having said that, however, it appears juicing up weed for smoking or adding it to vape juice seems to be much more popular than usage for oral ingestion. I've yet to see evidence of adverse effects from inhalation.

A side note. True Terpenes is offering a product called Viscosity that is used to produce vape juice. A thorough comparison with a competitive product by a member on another forum found Viscosity to be a very inferior product. Probably advisable to avoid.

As mentioned, ethanol extracted tincture is our primary delivery method and actually my cadre is almost using this exclusively now. As a group, we've also used ethanol extracted cannabinoids that have been transferred to various carrier oils. Both have been equally successful for the addition of terpenes.

Early in our experimentation stage, I had a phone conversation with the COO of True Terpenes (name now escapes me) in regards to proper dosage. He recommended 1-4 drops per ounce of tincture or infused oil. We are using the max recommended dose. Some of us have noticed a corresponding lesser effect when using a smaller concentrate ratio.

Recently the other members of my group have found there "happy place" using Blue Dream ethanol extracted tincture with the addition of Super Lemon Haze terpene additive and have become less receptive to further trials. I'm undeterred and will always be chasing the elusive utopian state. I plan to continue my quest. My wife avers when they lay me out in the coffin, prior to closing the lid she expects me to hop up and say "Wait! Let me try one more thing!" She may be right. If there's a better mousetrap out there, I want to find it!

While tincture is still part of my daily regimen, I've recently discovered the advantages of using well decarbed ground flower. I'm totally convinced we're missing some valuable components by doing extractions and discarding the remains. This plant still holds many undiscovered mysteries.

As another side note, I'd like to share some findings with regards to Ardent Lift. The ridiculous price deters me from recommending it but we've done enough collective comparisons that we have no doubts that the end results from the Lift are far superior to any other process we've used. I offer no explanation as to why but it's an undeniable difference.

Back to ground flower. 60mg of finely ground decarbed flower placed in a size one capsule and topped off with a few drops of Green Crack terpene infused MCT oil has offered a spectacular experience.

I've also used ground flower mixed into terpene infused coconut oil and used this in non-cook edibles. The desired effect has been a bit elusive thus far but I'm still trying various combinations.

Bottom line; I wouldn't speculate as to what wouldn't be an acceptable base for terpene additives as long as you work within the afore mentioned parameters. I'd suggest pick a base of your choice and give if a try. Pushing the envelope is how we discover new avenues!

To be continued.........
And in conclusion........


  1. Terpene additives are effective but it may be a quest to satisfy your needs.
  2. All terpenes do not offer equal efficacy.
  3. Custom blends from isolates can quickly become a labyrinth! We've discovered the effects are often contrary to expectations.
  4. Psychological effects are much more pronounced than physiological effects.
  5. Most any delivery system could probably be applicable if proper dilution parameters are adhered to.


  1. Can long term usage cause health problems?
  2. Or, conversely, could long term usage promote healing benefits of physiological maladies or possibly even be preventive in nature?
  3. Could global legalization and acceptance of cannabis offer a route to world peace?
  4. Are heaven and hell real or simply a state of mind at the point of demise? Only those who have passed can tell for sure and they're not talking!
  5. Will we survive the Trump regime?
  6. What ever happened to the Lone Ranger?

The seemingly endless possibilities offered by isolate blending is intriguing. I will continue to experiment with terpene additives but with a lower priority than over the last several months.

I must make time for new projects. I'm looking forward to exploring old time pure sativas and landrace sativas. Possibly try my hand at some small scale breeding.

I have some new grow techniques I'm anxious to try. I'm hoping to set some parameters for low budget grows but still reap a respectable harvest. There are many potential growers with limited budgets and no desire for the trophy plant.

Also, I've found sweetsue's and tangwena's thread on fermented cannabis alluring and hope to try my hand.

And with that, I'll step aside and allow this thread to once again fade into obscurity.
Hiya BCDD,

I know this thread is old, but it read like a book. Very exciting! Very interesting study. You sound like you have dabbled in a scientific field somewhere. I'm really glad to read all about your work. Thank you,BCDD, and Thank you OldBear.
Hiya BCDD,

I know this thread is old, but it read like a book. Very exciting! Very interesting study. You sound like you have dabbled in a scientific field somewhere. I'm really glad to read all about your work. Thank you,BCDD, and Thank you OldBear.

Thanx, Bode, for your interest. I enjoyed compiling and presenting our research results here in hopes some would find it useful. Thanx again for the recognition.

No, I have no background in a scientific field. The majority of my career was spent as a Certified Industrial Electronics Technician which mandated an analytical approach as well as an inquisitive mind. These traits have served me well in tangential interests.

I'll have to admit I've been quite remiss in following up on any further research of terpenes over the last few months. All of our posse have found their individual comfort zones and have been less enthusiastic about further experimentation. All have settled for the Blue Dream ethanol tincture with Super Lemon Haze terpene blend additive. I find the Green Crack terpene blend added to the same tincture equally rewarding for daytime use. Still using ground flower of various heavy indica strains with a carrier oil in capsule form as a good night time medication.

We do have a new member to our group. Many years ago cancer of lymph nodes in his neck required the removal of substantial tissue. Now in his senior years, the imbalance of muscle structure in his neck is causing some significant chronic pain. For the last couple of months, he's been using our same base tincture with the addition of equal parts of a-pinene, limonene, beta-caryophyllene, linalool and myrcene as an effective pain remedy.

As a follow up, my attempt to replicate SweetSue's and Tangwena's fermented cannabis ended in a miserable failure. I may give it another shot in the future but it's on the back burner for now.

As we all know, occasionally life simply gets in the way of well laid plans. Such was the case in getting started on my new grow techniques with some true sativa strains. After several months delay, I'm about two weeks into my new project and things look promising. I'm sure there will be some little kinks that will have to be resolved in this new venture but keeping my fingers crossed.

Thanx again, Old Bear, for furnishing this platform.

Hiya BCDD,

I did the cob thing with reconstituted dry bud and it didn't work so well. This harvest season I did 3 cobs of each strain. Super Silver Haze gives off a nice energy boost for a long time. Also very pleasant. The only one that has cured 3 months so far.
The terpene addition sounds very promising also. I may try some when the money supply gets better. I like learning about experiences others have had so I can experiment on myself. My lungs are getting old, so I'm trying to find an alternative to the bong. At least cut down some!
I tried a tincture once but didn't do anything for me. I didn't evaporate it down like you do, so maybe that's why. I'd be more inclined to go with oil. I infuse olive oil now for sleep meds, so maybe I need to work more in that area. It's been fun. Ciao
My cobbing experience was with some fresh harvested material that went directly into the freezer. Tangwena summized my failure was probably due to the cold temps negating the good bacteria necessary for the fermentation to occur. Lesson learned! I'm hoping to give it another try with my perspective new crop but that's gonna be a few months away.

One of our members shared some of our tincture with her sis and bnl who smoke on a regular basis. They, too, found it relatively ineffective. Interesting. None of our group have smoked for decades and unanimously find the the same strength tincture highly effective for several different physiological maladies but offer only very mild psychological effects.

Received a response today from representative #3. That makes 50%.

Thank you for taking the time to contact my office about the decriminalization of marijuana. Your input is important to me, and I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts.

As you know, various states have approved measures for the legalization of marijuana. Regardless of these changes in state law, growing, selling, or possessing any amount of marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Marijuana is listed as a Schedule I controlled substance, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has consistently concluded that marijuana meets this particular criteria under the Controlled Substances Act. Several proposals have been introduced in this Congress to change current federal law as it relates to marijuana. While I do not serve on the committees of jurisdiction in this area, I do not support the federal legalization of marijuana or any legislation that declassifies it as a Schedule I drug.

Thank you again for your letter. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me.


Engaging in conversation in an attempt to present rational data expressing my views would be fruitless so I declined to reply to the first two responding representatives. In this case, however, I couldn't contain myself; not out of a delusional attempt to sway his thinking but out of sheer anger over his impudence and ignorance!!


Thank you for your response.

Recently two major metropolitan areas in your state voted to decriminalize cannabis but our governor promptly usurped the will of the people and overturned the new local ordinances. I'm aware of numerous polls presented by various television stations throughout your state that were without exception overwhelming pro cannabis legalization to varying degrees. This leads me to question, sir, if you are in fact open to representing the mandates of your constituents or are you simply following personal convictions?

As I understand, to be classified as a Schedule I drug, a substance must meet the criteria of being highly addictive and offer no medicinal value. I'm curious as to what evidence is being used to meet this criteria? It's interesting that you site FDA's conclusion substantiating cannabis as a dangerous drug worthy of being listed as a Schedule I drug but yet they hold a patent for processing cannabis for medicinal uses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (that's CDC) has listed several diseases and medical problems that can be successfully treated with cannabis derived medications. Major pharmaceutical companies filed over 150 patents for cannabis based medicines last year alone. Do you not find, sir, this contradictory to qualifications for a Schedule I drug?

By comparison, tobacco is arguably one of the most addictive products known to mankind and by government data is responsible for 1200 deaths per day. Not only is this product legal but was actually subsidized monetarily by the USDA until recently. Alcohol is responsible for ruining the lives of millions from a social aspect as well as a medical perspective. Opioid addiction is, even by governmental admission, a national catastrophe but all of these products remain readily accessible to virtually anyone that desires to participate.

Relative to these and numerous other products, please present legitimate evidence that cannabis usage has inflicted comparable medical and social harm to our nation. And in the absence of such evidence, can you legitimize your prejudices against decriminalizing this product?

I regret that our views are so polarized but I respect your conviction. I will, however, be obliged to exercise my right during the upcoming election to vote for a candidate that is more like minded to my position.



This particular representative will be seeking new employment opportunities after the first of the year!! One less congressional obstacle to our movement!
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