Are Male Plants Worthless?


New Member
I hear that right before they release pollen, male plants have pretty high THC content, at least more than they are given credit for...
What do you growers do with your male plants?
:icon_cool No ......male plants are not useless.......If you have allot of them , (not just a few) you can make some excellant hash ......I would suggest getting some bubble bags , or an iceolator system ....both of these are available at most head shops ....Hash is the thing to do with your males , you can smoke them .....but you'll have to smoke 3 or 4 joints straight , just to get a mild good luck to ya !! :smokin: :smokin:
none the less it really is pointless to grow males... they are a waste of space where a female could be growing that will yield you a SHITload more THC... just pick the males out as soon as you possibly can and get another female flowering in there

not to mention SEEDS... males suck.
Alex420 said:
none the less it really is pointless to grow males... they are a waste of space where a female could be growing that will yield you a SHITload more THC... just pick the males out as soon as you possibly can and get another female flowering in there

not to mention SEEDS... males suck.

So true...!
I dont know if its male or females but I would take the males or wich ever ones dont bud and just grind the whole plant up and make hash or keiff. Hash and keiff are great smokes. Make sure the plant is dryed out... I havent smoked hash in YEARS I mean like 3 years!!!
that's because the female mother plant was a hermie, and yeah all seeds will be female. careful though or the female seeds will be prone to hermie themselves. (hermies have both male and female flowers. have to be careful because some get a TON of male flowers and will pollinate the hell out of your whole crop. keep a close eye on them) purists say to not plant those seeds; ideally to breed that characteristic out of that strain of weed.
duhh. I just re-read your post, and apparently that's what you mean by 100% female....think I need to set the pipe down and slowly back away for a while.
that's possible too. be cool to get THAT shit down to a science and create feminized seeds like you said, at will. wow that would change a lot about growing, wouldn't it?
A forum is useful but one should do their own research too. I'm on my 1st grow since the 1970s so I essentially knew nothing. One of 4 "feminized" seeds produced a male, rather evident phenotypically by its gangly look and greater height (6 ft when it was taken out with just the earliest proto pollen sacks visible. Since this is an outside grow I want the male gone before its pollen touches its sisters or other grows nearby that I don't know about. It's just common courtesy no? A week of hanging to dry produced a bit more than 12 ounces from all the tops and healthy leaves. I plan to slow cook it with organic butter (85% butterfat) in the ratio of 6 ounces dried mj to 1 lb butter per my online research. I'll cook for 12+ hours in my crockpot at a low setting then separate the butter from the rest of the gunky mess. The females (nearly 6ftX7ft now in the 1st evident stage of flowering) have filled in the male's space quite nicely in about 1 week. This is obviously a matter of increased light in my South facing location and I am wondering if the root and bacterial network that is not visible is also helping to promote more growth. (Check out a documentary like BBC's on plant communication.) I bring a scientific background and skills to my newbie project. I'd love to hear any opinions from experienced growers about such non visible facilitation of a grow. I suspect it will be a technical area very important to successful outdoor cannabis growing. It also suggests to me the potential limitations of container grows with a single plant per pot however large.
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