Atlanta: Supporters Back Medical Marijuana Bill In Hearing

Robert Celt

New Member
Georgia residents made their case Monday to a committee at the Capitol to legalize the cultivation of medical marijuana. Backers say it's the logical followup to another medical marijuana bill that passed the General Assembly last year.

The hearing drew an overflow crowd — mostly from supporters of the bill to allow limited and highly regulated cultivation of marijuana. The marijuana grown in those Georgia fields would be used solely to produce medical cannabis oil. And that's to prevent parents like Jennifer Conforti from breaking federal or state law by buying cannabis oil illegally now.

"No, I don't want to have to be resorting to the black market. I don't like breaking the law," Conforti said Monday. Last year's law allowed her to possess the oil. But federal law forbids her from buying it in another state produces cannabis oil.

She is the mother of 5 year old Abby, who has autism and has what her mother calls episodes of raging and biting. Cannabis oil, she says, stopped it.

"By day four, it had stopped her raging. We used to have to restrain her up to eight hours in a day. And haven't had to restrain her once" since then, she said.

"The big focus we're going to hit is it's time to quit making criminals out of parents and citizens who are only trying to provide medicine for their sick children or themselves," said the bill's sponsor, Rep. Allen Peake (R-Macon).

This was only the first medical marijuana hearing since Peake introduced his cultivation bill. Opponents of it are expected to turn out in force for another hearing Wednesday.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Atlanta: Supporters Back Medical Marijuana Bill In Hearing
Author: Doug Richards
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Photo Credit: 11Alive
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