Blue Dream - Tell me what you think


New Member

Am I looking st s good amount of yield here any way to tell 4 weeks in? 600 watt hps ff soil Heavy 16 nutes
My first grow I've been told I'd get like an ounce of it maybe even tho it has Hermed on me sucks big time. So much work cleaning it daily
I didn't have the space or means to clone this time around I wish I could have. I like them. I have not over done it to the point where my plant cannot recover, hardly at all. I was just a nube. My only warning obviously if you're using hot soil (soil loaded up with nutes) I'd feed plain water maybe add cal mag or liquid seaweed. But heavy 16 is strong so I'd do water at first with hot soil or ease it in it half strength. Then do full of you see your plants are responding well. They really helped me. Heat in my grow room did me in but the nutes did their job well with the complete set you really don't need anything else. I've even emailed them for question and help and they get back to you pretty quickly
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