British Government Finally Admits Marijuana Has A Medicinal Value, U.S. MSM Silent

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
This is exactly what we have been advocating for. We have said in the past, and still stand by it, that our goal is to promote medical use of marijuana.

We are not just an advocate of the plant just for smoking sake. We want people to benefit the medicinal value of the plant.

But across the world, there are many negative stereotypes and false mythologies associated with marijuana.

Especially in some countries in the global south; it is believed the mere smoking of marijuana, irrespective of the quantity and the strength, can cause mental illness, the worst of it being madness.

Even in the global north, marijuana has suffered many character assassinations.

If you doubt this, you can refer to the 1972 remake of the American drama film known as Reefer Madness, in which marijuana was portrayed as nothing but an evil plant bringing destruction to society.

However, over the years, as proponents of the plant gain momentum on its medical benefits, many researchers are using their own resources to conduct studies on the plant.

Although research on the plant is still low, the studies conducted are showing that most negative stereotypes against the plant aren't true.

In the United States, for example, the federal government has refused a thorough research into the plant.

But elsewhere, some governments are realizing they've been deliberately misled on the plant's value, for a long time.

Some of these progressive governments are now accepting a deeper investigation into the plant — to determine its medicinal value.

The latest on marijuana — outside the United States — is that the British government has finally admitted that the plant possesses a medicinal value.

The country's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) announced that it has found Cannabidiol (CBD) has a "restoring, correcting or modifying" effect on "physiological functions" when administered to humans.

MHRA is the executive agency of the Department of Health in the United Kingdom, which is responsible for ensuring that medicines and medical devices work and are acceptably safe.

Observers say this new development in Britain is a potential milestone that will help marijuana campaigners to press for the country's lawmakers to legalize the plant based on the available evidence.

Before this good news, some of the country's politicians had pressed on the government to legalize marijuana for medicinal use.

Currently, in the United Kingdom, it is illegal to possess marijuana in any form. Without a so-called appropriate licence, it is also illegal to grow, distribute or sell marijuana in the nation.

However, over the years, marijuana advocates have been gaining momentum in their quest to have the plant legalized and regulated in the country.

In 2015, James Richard Owen, an economics student at Aberystwyth University, started a petition on the country's official petitions website, calling for the legalization, cultivation, sale and use of the plant.

The petition gathered 218,995 signatures, far exceeding the 100,000 needed for it to be considered for debate in Parliament. On Oct. 12, 2015. the country's Parliament debated the petition.

According to the Independent, the latest findings by the MHRA are not directly applicable to the British government's response to last year's petition to legalize marijuana.

In a statement on the assessment done by the MHRA, the agency said:

"The MHRA has now completed its review and has considered all information available to it relating to Cannabidiol(CBD) and having taken into account all the scientific advice and evidence, it has come to an opinion that products containing Cannabidiol will satisfy the second limb of the definition of a 'medicinal product' because it may be used by or administered to human beings either with a view to restoring, correcting or modifying physiological functions by exerting a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action, or to making a medical diagnosis."

The review of CBD, a cannabinoid accounting for up to 40% of the marijuana plant's extract that doesn't contain its psychoactive THC but has immense health benefits, came about following discussions with CBD vaporiser company MediPen.

The Managing Director of MediPen, Jordan Owen was quoted by the Independent as saying:

"Since our inception we've worked hard to obtain our goal of breaking down the negative connotations surrounding Cannabis to lead to a reform in the law for medicinal use. Now this is finally becoming a reality, which will provide ground-breaking results."

Past studies on marijuana have revealed its CBD helps to control brain and nerve activity, energy metabolism, heart function, the immune system and even reproduction.

To add to the MHRA's findings, the British pro-marijuana pharma company, GW Pharmaceuticals, has also announced it has just concluded a positive phase 3 clinical trial demonstrating the safety and efficacy of CBD, which has helped people with a variety of illnesses.

As a result of these new developments in the United Kingdom, many charities and pro-marijuana organizations have intensified their research into the use of the plant as a medical drug. Observers predict that the full legalization of the plant is imminent in the United Kingdom.

In all these positive developments regarding marijuana in the United Kingdom, the Mainstream Media (MSM) in the United States have refused to report on them.

Despite the news being published by many British media outlets, in the United States, the corporate MSM have pretended not to have heard it.

This should tell us that there is a grand agenda to suppress marijuana in the United States, with the help of the corporate media, in order to prevent people from benefiting from the medicinal value of the obviously wonderful plant; pushing the agenda of favor for Big Pharma products.


News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: British Government Finally Admits Marijuana Has A Medicinal Value, U.S. MSM Silent
Author: Liam S. Whittaker
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: CS Globe
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