Brown tips? (pics)


New Member
Greetings all...

First time grower, so obviously I'm a total noob to growing anything. I'm at day 22. I've been growing these in 24/0. Just last week I got a little overzealous/paranoid that my plants weren't getting enough nutes, so i gave them a full strength shot of miracle grow 8-7-6... which may be my problem. Since then I've switched back to straight up 6.0 ph water, to try to reverse the possible damage i did. Another thing to note is that the humidity is very low in this room (probably less than 10%), so I've been trying to counteract that with misting the foliage daily for the last couple of days. I've been reading about people with somewhat similar problems and they kinda leaned toward Calcium deficiency. I know there's a lot of room for error in the methods I'm using, but based on these pics, what is you guys' opinion?:



what kinda lights are you using... kinda streching?

and the nuts should be at about a 1/4 full strenght when your first introduce them... it helps and won't shock or burn as bad
HighDyHo. welcome to 420. Good pics to see what is going on.

1) what type of lighting are you using?
2) Ventilation? what is existing?
3) Area Size?(L x W x H)
4) Soil used? and Size of containers?
5) Strain or Variety being grown?

I am not a big fan of the MG and I see that you have responded to that issue.

What are you looking at to use next? FF or ?

What and how often are you watering? They look a little dry from here.

Let us know ok, and we can go from there.
Cool setup. From what you told me, I can already kind of see that you nutrient burned your plants. i can't tell what lights you are using, but if you are using flouros you need to drop them lights DOWN!! your plants are stretching, and at day 22 they should be MUCH bigger. This is NOT nutrient fault. Primarily your light has most to do with growth. I would run with 18/6 light cycle by the way. Roots is grown in the dark (inner strength) and you don't give your plant time to do that. Once its properly rooted, go ahead to the 24/0. By then your roots can provide the nutrients properly!

oh and get AWAY FROM MIRACLE GRO!! GH makes awesome stuff, you can go with their grow-micro-bloom mix, works great and is relatively cheap compared to Bcuzz or those other brands.

Oh and what kind of what are you using? Check this thread to test your water.
How to test to see if your water is really hard and what cheap water you CAN use!
Good job with flushing, that should do the trick. Meanwhile, back down on the nutes, because from what it seems you arent runnig enough lighting.

Hers an easy way to think of it. Nutrients are food, but light is exercise, appetite. You can have all the food you want, but unless you have an appetite and exercise you will let it accumulate. Since your lighting doesn't seem too good, your plants can't absorb all those nutes. See what I'm saying? It's all in proportion.

OH and aluminum foil is okay...but you're supposed to use the dull side and its only about 55% reflective. They have about 25 X 4ft mylar 1mm for about $18. Attach with velcro for easy cleaning and it should help your lighting, esp, if you don't have HID. I would just go with 400W MH HPS switchable, they have good deals on ebay. Just flush and back down on nutes, it should heal. Your plants look fine, but you may want to drop down lighting. Fluoros can literally be inches away from the plants!
You cooked em. A good flush of water pH adjusted to 6.7 will flush out your soil. You should not be pHing your water to 6.0 unless you soil is too sweet.

Something is up with your lights. Those plant are stretched out too much. If using fluorescents get them within inches of those suckers. Hopefully you are using 6500K floros. Soil does look a bit dry.
I'm using Fertilome Ultimate potting mix soil. I had the lights very close (within 2") for a while but I was afraid that they were getting cooked by being too close, so I moved them up to about 6" from the top. Lighting is a this: Lights of America 34W 2-Foot Fluorescent Shop Light (White) (8050) ; 34w dual bulb shop light, which is probably pretty ghetto compared to what i really need, but i'm a poor man. Ventilation is ok.. i have dual fans running. As far as watering, I've been giving them about 1 qt of tap water daily per plant (again, ghetto; but what's a guy to do), but yesterday I gave them each enough water until it ran through the holes in the bottom (per a suggestion from another thread). would CFL's be better than that I'm using? in my mind I was thinking they wouldn't put off as much light, but i could be wrong. Thanks for the input and suggestions. I'll take any advice/criticism with grace.

Not a good spectrum for veg. Get a t5 6500K setup for veg 4100K will cause the stretch you got going on. Or look into CFL's. Get them pretty close to the plants and they were slow down on the vertical. Try LSTing them now to induce lateral growth and slow down the vertical.

For flower get 3000K color lamps. HPS - HID if possible. If not get warm floro's.

Does that soil have time release chemical ferts in it?
Re: Correct lighting: red or blue for veg?

Marijuana Grow Light Guide

This site (one of several) says to use 400 to 520 nm [blue] for vegetative growth, and 610 - 720 nm [red] for flowering.

The middle of the 400 to 520 nm range is 460 nm, which converts to 6300K. The middle of the 610-720 nm range is 665 nm, which converts to 4350K.

However, I can't find any 4300K bulbs. I can find 4100, but that's too low. So I plan to use 5000K for veg. I'm using 6400K now, but my plants are not growing much at all, and leaves starting to curl up at tips and turn yellow/brown.

So I wanted to find out why some sites say to use 6400K [blue] for veg phase, while other sites say to use red light (4300-5000K) for veg. I need to get it right. What's your take on this?

Not a good spectrum for veg. Get a t5 6500K setup for veg 4100K will cause the stretch you got going on. Or look into CFL's. Get them pretty close to the plants and they were slow down on the vertical. Try LSTing them now to induce lateral growth and slow down the vertical.

For flower get 3000K color lamps. HPS - HID if possible. If not get warm floro's.

Does that soil have time release chemical ferts in it?
Re: Correct lighting: red or blue for veg?

Arrgghh!!! Sorry about that. I just read my post again, and noticed that I got a bit confused. Blue [6400K] is good for veg, like you say. So I will use 5000K for flowering, not veg. So I can rule out bad lighting on my problem plants.

Some sites say 3000K for flowering, but that seems to be way below the red range. Anyone using 3000K successfully for flowering?
i just got a t5 sun blaze 48 im using 4 blue and 4 red bulbs for veg ive only had it 4 days now but it has stopped my seedlings from stretching.I was using flurs. I am also having {5 out 50} seedlings with the brown tips mine are only 3-4in tall and I havent gave them any nuts yet.I just switched to 18/6 last night and in 1 day saw good growth on all plants. I am using foxfarm ocean fresh soil {the one in light green bag}.THe seedlings are almost 3 weeks old i will start nuts {advancednuts} next week.If ur plants dont have good roots u should try voodoo juice it will amaze u :ganjamon:
OK, good to know I'm not alone on this.

I just figured out that I'm using the correct lighting (6400K, 3000 lumens/sq. ft). My plants are also about 3 1/2 weeks old, and maybe 3" tall. They don't look like what I would expect after this long. But this is my first time, too. So maybe it's my expectations.

The brown curling tips got me worried. I didn't know if I was overfeeding or not feeding enough. I am using Black Soil (in Panama, that seems to grow anything), and didn't feed anything until a week ago, when I got worried about the tips.

Can you tell me more about voodoo juice? I have not heard of this. What is it, where do I get it, etc. [I'm in Panama, but maybe I can find an equivalent here].

My bulbs are 24W CFLs, with 1560 lumens output at 6400K. Cost was $3.50 per bulb. Putting the lights about 2 1/2" from the plant tops provides about 3000 lumens/sq. ft.

I use one bulb per plant. I made my own reflector for each bulb using a 6" plastic pot. I cut a 3 cm hole in bottom to feed the bulb end through from the inside, then lined the inside with aluminum foil. It seems to direct all the light downward, and also seems to keep the temp. down too.

I'm using NL seeds. 5 of them germinated fine, but one plant died after a week. It looked like it got pinched about half way up the stem. I have no idea what happened. I just noticed that is was keeled over one morning.

i just got a t5 sun blaze 48 im using 4 blue and 4 red bulbs for veg ive only had it 4 days now but it has stopped my seedlings from stretching.I was using flurs. I am also having {5 out 50} seedlings with the brown tips mine are only 3-4in tall and I havent gave them any nuts yet.I just switched to 18/6 last night and in 1 day saw good growth on all plants. I am using foxfarm ocean fresh soil {the one in light green bag}.THe seedlings are almost 3 weeks old i will start nuts {advancednuts} next week.If ur plants dont have good roots u should try voodoo juice it will amaze u :ganjamon:
hey guys i have a similar problem although i am having my flower outdoor...i planted it into a bigger pot but it had this signs a while ago already
I started having this problem approx three weeks ago! Leaves started getting brown/risty on the edges. At first it was bigger (older) leaves only but now its spreading randomly over the whole plant. I tried flushing, i tried not to give it nutes (i give it once a week), i water the plant eveery second day depending on the temperature outside. The growth stoped or better say it slowed down quite substantialy, do you have any advice please!!!!


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