Burnt bulb


New Member
can i put a 250w bulb metal halide if the ballace is for a 400w metal halide.its my only spare bulb. just started my grow .found you guys for help.did some resurch on youre site.i will put my grow op whit pics soon.please help..
can i put a 250w bulb metal halide if the ballace is for a 400w metal halide.its my only spare bulb.

Probably not. I would think it's would fry it, but then again, I'm an LED grower. *shrug* I hope someone else has an answer for you.
don't know where you guys live but here in ca every corner has a dispensary or a hydro shop. maybe you could pickup a bulb at a shop in your town, just a thought.
For emergency 400w MH go to lowes or home depot if you can't afford a real grow bulb. They work good enuff for emergency use and are like $30.00.

The light ballast is essentially a current limiter. Substituting a 250w lamp with a 400w ballast is at least a failed lamp and a distinct possibility of an exploding lamp. 'nuff said!
Valves located in the central fusebox somewhere. The light bulb has a small metal coils in the filament, which it described as breaks from the intense heat. Problems are different.
Wire filament?

A metal-halide bulb is (basically) just a mercury vapor bulb with some rare earth metal salts added. IOW, you won't find any wire filament - the wire in a MH bulb is WAY thicker than what you seem to (I think) be referring to and if you manage to burn through that... Well, I can't say that I've ever seen or heard of that happening.
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