Can I safely top off these plants?


New Member
Two questions.
Probably due to a combination of insufficient vegetative lighting and a delay in moving the plants over to the bloom area, I've now got several very tall leggy plants (well over 4 ft high) that are growing like they're on steroids. Adding in the height of the platform and the buckets, these ladies are now growing above my lights and still have at least 3 weeks until harvest!!

Is it safe for me to cut them back (as much as a foot or so off the top) this late into bloom?
Can I use the cuttings as clones or am I too far into bloom to salvage them?

This will be only my second harvest and I'm still learning, so any helpful comments are appreciated.
I would not top them at this point. Instead, your best option is LST . . try to bend the plant over, and tie it down. This should provide enough headroom without damaging the plant.
That's what I decided to try instead of messing with the plant hormones by topping them.
I am 2+ weeks into flower, 5 plants(after removing 3 males), under 2-400 watt HPS and have had the same problem.I vegged under LED's for 6 weeks, they were about 16" , very compact then. I switched to the HPS's to flower and the plants all shot up to about 3' damn near overnight. I began about a 1 1/2 weeks ago tying the tops down to prevent bud burn. Have had a few burnt leaves at first but the tops turn upward in only a few hours. I am thankful that the stretch has finally slowed down now. It's amazing how much you can bend these plants without losing anything. So, i definately agree with Vercingetorix and Roseman.:welldone:

I also tied the plants down (in two stages for fear of injuring them) and it worked out well.
To prevent this problem in the future, I plan to top the plants while in veg. and also work on my timing so that I have room to move them over to bloom sooner.
Short and bushy would be better than tall and lanky!

I also tied the plants down (in two stages for fear of injuring them) and it worked out well.
To prevent this problem in the future, I plan to top the plants while in veg. and also work on my timing so that I have room to move them over to bloom sooner.
Short and bushy would be better than tall and lanky!

hey there ... ya im stealing your sig thnx LOL :grinjoint:
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