Canada - Burn Pot Holders With Police Costs


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Richmond, BC - Richmond is looking at billing homeowners for police costs if marijuana grow operations are busted on their properties.

Like many Lower Mainland cities, Richmond is rife with grow-op problems and it's about time the city came up with a way to combat rising police costs.

Sending homeowners the bill would put the onus property owners to make sure their tenants haven't turned the rec room into a pot-filled wrecked room.

As well, many grow-ops are actually owned by the homeowner, as the market for B.C. bud is hotter than the Lower Mainland real estate market.

Libertarian pot-lovers frequently deride such bylaws as the one Richmond is working on. While we agree it's a hipocracy to allow booze 'n' smokes and consider marijuana contraband, grow-ops are not run by latter-day Cheeches and Chongs. Organized crime is well-entrenched in this lucrative business.

As well, crime begets crime as roving armed bandits tour neighbourhoods in search of the tell-tale signs of grow-ops. When grow-rippers meet grow-operators, things often turn violent.

So if you are renting out a grow-op, make sure you are getting a piece of the pie-you'll need it when the police bill arrives.

Source: Richmond Review, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 Richmond Public Library
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