

New Member
Hi everybody! I'd like to give you guys a super-easy and tasty recipe for canna-cupcakes.

You will need: Cake mix that requires eggs, water, oil
Measuring cup
Half a cup of cannabutter
Muffin pan
Paper cups
Rope (so you don't fly off to outer-space! hehe)

Melt cannabutter (I use a pan on low heat with an inch of water with my glass measuring cup sitting in it so it does a double-boil method which keeps the butter from burning). Put your mix in a bowl and crack open however many eggs are required, but throw away one yolk (the fat from the butter will compensate the yolk). Add the water that is required and pour in your melted cannabutter (make sure it's not too hot or else it will scramble the eggs) and mix all the ingredients together and prepare as you would for normal cupcakes. See ya in space! :yummy:
Where do you put the oil in or does the butter change more like an oil and you don't have to put it in??? could you use cannabutter and cannaoil together?
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