Change Ron Wyden's Mind

Stoney Girl

New Member
Senator Ron Wyden was a few minutes late to the meeting so I had time to speak with a few people waiting. One was Wayne Kinney, Wyden's representative in Central and Easter Oregon.

I had time for one question although it was in two parts. I waited while two people asked questions related to economics. I followed their lead and ask Senator Wyden, has he considered industrial hemp as one solution to help the rural areas of th state. He expressed concern that the hemp may be harmful. He then expressed his beliefs that marijuana was harmful, addictive, and bad for the community. I then followed with this:" Senator Wyden, If I could produce scientific and medical research which would prove his beliefs about cannabis to be not based upon facts - would he reconsider his position on MJ and MMJ?

He said YES, and told me to send the information to him and/or his representatives here in Oregon.

Wayne Kinney
Field Representative
131 NW Hawthorn Ave. Suite 107
Bend, OR 97701

ph: 541 330-9142
Fax: 541 330-6266
cell 541 306-1865
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