Claims of Dangerous 10% Pot Potency Debunked

Results of a recent marijuana-testing project, alerting the public to unprecedented and dangerous THC levels averaging 10.1 percent received lots of media attention. Major news outlets and the nation's office of the Drug Czar jumped into the fray, warning the public of the dangerous potency of twenty-first century marijuana.

However, the Marijuana Policy Project read the report, breaking down the math and discovered that the media hype reporting THC levels of 10 percent was patently false.

The government sponsored Marijuana Potency Monitoring Project at the University of Mississippi, issued a report based on the testing of samples of Marijuana confiscated during drug busts.

The project claimed the potency of pot seems to be trending upwards with average THC levels for 2008 at 10.1 percent, compared to 7.3 percent in 2007 and 3.2 percent in 1983.

However, a reading of the actual report tells a different story. The real marijuana potency is only 8.52%. This figure is based upon the removal of tested samples of hashish and hash oil from the equation, which have a higher potency.

The Marijuana Potency Monitoring Project didn't reveal that it just threw the test results of marijuana, hash and hash oil into one large number, to make its claims that marijuana alone has a 10 percent potency.

There is also the issue of whether marijuana confiscated in drug busts is a true representation of the pot smoked by users in the United States.

"Domestically produced marijuana tested tended to be significantly weaker than the imported stuff, but domestic cannabis only represented 29.7% of the samples tested," said Bruce Mirken of the Marijuana Policy Project.

And the vast majority of Marijuana smoked in the United States is of the domestic variety, with exports from such places, as Colombia and Jamaica, representing a small fraction.

Although, the accurate figures from the Marijuana Potency Monitoring Project still show an increase in potency, the dangers presented to the public are overblown.

The Marijuana Policy Project is dedicated to increasing public support for non-punitive and non-coercive marijuana policies and to work to change state laws to reduce or eliminate penalties for the medical and non-medical use of marijuana.

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: ChattahBox News Blog
Author: Sue
Contact: ChattahBox News Blog
Copyright: 2009 ChattahBox News Blog
Website: Claims of Dangerous 10% Pot Potency Debunked
ummmmm.... even at 100%, thc isn't dangerous.

All THC does is activate an endocannibinoid receptor that temporaily blocks the production of GABA inhibitors at many specific parts of your brain. The lethal dose is like impossible to reach.
What dangers to the public? Mass stampeedes of stoners getting the munchies all at the same time? I wish the people reporting this stuff they call news would sprinklea few facts in with the stories, you know , little things like 0 DEAD BY THC OD. Little things like that! What? That would mean they have no sensational story to run if they do that? Too Bad,so sad.
That's poor quality up in B.C.You can always find what suits your taste.The stuff they smoke in the east would fry y'all.
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