CO jobs in MMJ


New Member
Hello, 420 magazine followers. First post on here, but I just have to wonder. I am moving west soon to Colorado and though I see many job opportunities for a MMJ trimmer, salesperson, manager, etc... I wonder about trying to establish a thread friend on here that can employ me upon arrival to the state in Sept. I have many references and plans for my next decade in Colorado and I have a stream of revenue aside from MMJ but wish to have a more active role in the steps make MMJ decriminalized and also producing it for patients. I hope to find a good dispensary employer on here that appreciates an employee that is looking for work 3 months in advance and also has previous exp in this field.
I hope to see the community strong there and hopefully one or two responses. 6 yrs mgmt exp retail and warehouse. My MMJ knowledge is modest, but the amount of reading I have done on this subject is overwhelming.

Hope all your smoke is Superb!
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