Custom Pieces


New Member
I've got a custom piece being made that hopefully will be availible this summer. Its a glass remake of my mushroom bead pipe


Should be a lot sweeter than the wood one

I also plan on getting a simple, but still custom, sherlock from the same guy, hopefully double blown and really thing glass. We'll see, I have to wait till summer to check in on it.

Anyone else have custom work?
I saw that on another post kitty, thats one sick looking pipe. Mine's coming from a small time glass blower so I'm not looking for anything that fancy, maybe someday when I get more cash, as in after college.
Looks awesome KL! The body reminds me of like two salt shakers for some reason. I have a small mini-headpiece that is fully worked but it isn't a custom. I know of no glass blowers in my area so getting a custom pipe would be a challange and a half.
Crazy cool.
im poor so i dont have a camera but i finished my homemade huka (Huzooka)and bubbler (mr. bubbles) they aren't pretty but they were free and they work like a charm!!!!!!
Thats gonna be pretty tight to have a remake of your own custom piece. I wish I had some pics of my custom piece. I haven't even seen it yet, and I can't wait.
i just finished i very quick (but effective) glass vaporizer named Mist.
works like a charm!!!!!!!!
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