D.C.'s Pot Prescription Pad

In his excellent cover story for this week's dead-tree edition of Washington City Paper–alas, not printed on hemp paper–Chris Shott chronicles the efforts of Rabbi Jeffrey Kahn to open the first of the cannabis dispensaries legalized under the District's medical-marijuana referendum.

The piece notes that Kahn's venture won't be quite as easy as just, say, selling drugs: The city's legal-pot regs are strict, the neighbors are wary, and the competition could include some of well-funded players who've built up fortunes in better-established medical-marijuana markets like California.

Shott also pored through the lengthy rules proposed last week by the Adrian Fenty administration, which spell out everything from where dispensaries may be located to just what information must be included on the prescription pot labels. Below, our illustrator's best guess as to what those regulated labels will look like when actually affixed to your prescription:


NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: Washington City Paper
Author: Michael Schaffer
Contact: Washington City Paper
Copyright: 2010 Creative Loafing Media
Website: D.C.'s Pot Prescription Pad
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