Diseases Treated With Medical Cannabis/Diagnoses Eligible For Receiving Cannabis

It doesn't matter where you get it as long as its from a California MD any Doctor witha MD can actually perscribe marijuana but there are pot friendly doctors. I would go to PSS I am taking my girl friend there next week. She gets really bad cramps and headaches from um that monthly thing.
spliff twister,
my therepists wants to perscibe ridalin or adderal. but those meds are meth in a pill. so i havent let him perscibe them 4 me. i was diagnosed with add about 8 years ago. id rather have sum herb than speed.
I have had add since I was 10 probobly atleast that when i took the first medication for it. I have takin both of those but when I was younger they had different medication when I was in my 20's how old are ? I would recommed not taking taht crap. Made me lose so much weight when I was 15 I have never got it back. You should be eligeble
Noticed chronic back pain isn't on the list.
I 've worked in warehouses for like 15 years,
All that lifting has taken it's toll, Iv'e taken vicadin
but i don't like it, makes me nauses, and codine, well
it feels too good, if you know what i mean.
I don't have any documentation, never really saw a doctor
about it(don't have insurance).
Smoking grass seems to help a little especially at night.
Ya think I might qualify?
For some reason the original post reminds me of that TV commercial which shows how wonderful life is AFTER you start taking their pill. "Ask you doctor if your disease allows you to buy our product."

And then the subsiquent posts reminded me that no matter how many people try to hurt in the right places so they can get a med-card, there are people suffering from real diseases and for whom canabis is the best relief for their illness.

How long will it take for 1)the feds to recognize that cannabis is real medicine deserving all the respect that entails. 2) stoners to realize that cannabis is real medicine and that stoners faking illness doesn't help sick folks get their medicine.
Man I wished I lived in one of those legalized states. I qualify for two of those, I've been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and a vairant on chron's disease (ulcerative colitis). And on behalf of mj, I have NOT had a flare up (inflamation of the intestines) since I started smoking pot
I wrote this article/topic myself, a while back now. I was just looking at all the questions/responses people have posted. It seems that the most common question is, "Is [insert illness here] permissable for receiving medical marijuana?"

I did a little research, and, it is different in every state. I live in California, personally, and am thus ruled by the SB 420 "Compassionate Act" in terms of legalities. Taken straight from the legal document itself,

"(h) "Serious medical condition" means all of the following medical conditions:

(1) Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

(2) Anorexia.

(3) Arthritis.

(4) Cachexia.

(5) Cancer.

(6) Chronic pain.

(7) Glaucoma.

(8) Migraine.

(9) Persistent muscle spasms, including, but not limited to, spasms associated with multiple sclerosis.

(10) Seizures, including, but not limited to, seizures associated with epilepsy.

(11) Severe nausea.

(12) Any other chronic or persistent medical symptom that either:

(A) Substantially limits the ability of the person to conduct one or more major life activities as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336).

(B) If not alleviated, may cause serious harm to the patient's safety or physical or mental health.

(i) "Written documentation" means accurate reproductions of those portions of a patient's medical records that have been created by the attending physician, that contain the information required by paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 11362.715, and that the patient may submit to a county health department or the county's designee as part of an application for an identification card."

Once again, I should note, this applies directly to California. I don't know the individual specifications and laws for other states, but I'm sure it can be researched at norml.org

On a side note, a lot of people were asking about receiving medical marijuana for ADHD and other psychiatric disorders. In most cases, it is very difficult to get a license for any psychiatric condition. You generally have to purport that you get no relief from any psychiatric medications and prove with documentation that you have indeed been unsuccessfully treated with a large number of different medications. You can get copies of these records from your psychiatrist, if that is indeed the case. However, mood disorders that are disabling (for example, I'm on disability/SSI for bipolar disorder and also have a three year license --my SSI helped support my case as meeting Section 12 A of the SB 420 document) in more than one major area of life are usually reconsidered before automatically blown off as not a valid condition. Honestly I have never met anyone who received a license claiming ADHD as their sole disability. I do know of one person who was ADHD and was treated with heavy doses of amphetamines. This made it difficult for him to eat properly and he was given a license for nausea and lack of appetite.

I hope that helps somebody out there who's reading this. I know that marijuana has certainly been the best treatment I've ever encountered for my own disabilities and I hope it provides others with the same sense of relief. Feel free to private message me with questions about this topic as I've been researching it for a long, long time.

High regards,
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