DM Liquid Light/Saturator and LEDs

I haven't posted pics because I had 2 set backs, and I am not sure why. Quite possibly I mixed the nutes too hot for the young age of the roots.

It could have been the shock of leaving the fan on all night (wasn't on a timer). 2 of 3 plants severely wilted, one recovered, only to wilt again. I mixed H2O2 + colloidal silver and have been spraying the roots, plant, and starter cubes a couple times a day. One of those two is mostly back, but one just doesn't seem able to revive.

The seeds I germed afterwards didn't make it either. I doubt it was the seeds, as all sprouted. I probably set the sprouts too deep into the S2G starter cubes. S2G is a maze of man-made fibers cut to size. It probably made it too difficult for them to push through. I tried to clear the way, but it was too late. S2G does work though, just be careful not to set the sprouts too deep.

I do know LL/S works great. The plant that did not wilt was the smallest of the 3, and it looks really healthy, with leaves reaching for the light above.

Maybe I'll take a pic just to show how human (dumb) I am. This will show what LL/S can do even with a beaten up plant. OK. I talked myself into it.


Note the leafs on the center plant are reaching toward the light. This WAS the runt. The other 2 wilted from a night under the fan. Make sure your fan is on a timer. No more than say half hour at a time until the babies are strong. In any case, do not fan 24/7

On the right is a closeup of plant on left from above. The small plant is 3 weeks old; the lone survivor from the second batch of germed seeds that I pushed too deep into the S2Gstarter cube

Note the plant on right WAS my biggest. It has wilted TWICE. Today after ~ 10 days in the infirmary, it is finally showing signs of recovery. Only took it out for the photo.

Alas, such setbacks bring growth to a screeching halt. If the seeds were readily available I would simply start over and be way ahead of where they are now.

If anybody has before or after pics using LL/S feel free to post.
Sometimes I amaze myself how long I can overlook the obvious.

One of the reasons I tried S2Gstarter cubes was because of the problems I had with rock wool. RW cubes stay too wet around the young developing roots, and are prone to fungus, mildew,and mold. I usually cut the RW starter cubes in half, but this time I kept the full size and pushed all the seedlings deep into both cubes (RW & S2G). Not a good idea.

Several grows ago, when my system was morphed from drip to spray to high pressure, the RW starter cubes caused a problem. As a last resort, I removed it under running water. The plant fully recovered.

So around 1:30 today I took the 2 sick babies out. The roots were brownish and were mostly dried out, as though they were dehydrated. The lone healthy plant roots are bright white and plump, like fresh cooked pasta.

I soaked each plant twice, 2 hours apart for 5 minutes in 3% H2O2. I may need to repeat a few times before they fully recover.
I just checked DMs website. They finally have the revised Nutrient Calculator up. An email would have been nice.

So I checked the LL/Saturator boxes and was directed to a page that gives the amounts, and there it was... a breakdown by week for how much Gold Grow/Flower A&B to mix: 2.6ml of each/liter, which seems reasonable, but then... it calls for 60mls (2 oz) of LL/Sat/liter.

I emailed DM and asked if this a misprint. Are we really supposed to use 26 times the amount of LL/S to nutrients? Saturator is reasonably priced but LL is $59/L ($40 from Cheaphydro, but still) that is a lot of product.

1000 ml= 1 liter, so 1000/60= 16.67 Foliar Feed (FF) liter bottles or 42 cents per liter. I'm guessing here, but one liter FF should last ~ 3 feedings of 4-6 plants. Well that doesn't seem excessive.

Up until today, I was spraying every 3 days with LL/S (but no nutes), and growth has been very good; probably has more to do with being fed via HPA. :cheer::yahoo::welldone::morenutes::shhh: I can't wait to see what happens now.

I just checked the LL/S page :reading420magazine: and it still says nothing about mixing them with diluted nutrients. WTF?
Sorry pet flora vie been busy and haven't been helping much, but ive been using regular nutrients in the soil, but I haven't foliar fed it anything else. I will post some pics of my grow later today, the growth on these things are amazing, but I also found another facilitator I would highly reccommend to anyone who needs or is going to transplant. It is called byodynamic thunder, it is a compost soil I believe, but it mixed with liquid light can cause ridiculous growth, all of the plants I'm going to show you are very young for their size. Doyou keep your LL/P in the refrigerator?
I emailed DM when I saw that you weren't supposed to use the solution much longer than a week, they told me that the solution begins to get weaker once mixed but if refrigerated it slows the process so it remains at full potency longer.
Thats nice to know about the refridging...... I wish it was stated on the bottle of LL or S...... That'd be nice, but then we wouldnt be buying new bottles of it monthly.......

I myself have been using the DM nutes, my plants however are coming back from a bad few rounds with root rot, so my hydro plants arent showing any noticeable improvements with the LL/S spritz but my soil plants seem to love it. I have been using fox farm nutes on my soil plants and I have noticed a leap in growth since I started using the LL/S on them. I've used it twice on the soil plants, maybe they havent quite doubled in size but they are close to it, maybe that have I havent looked at them since this AM, LOL..

But I didnt really know what to do about the FF of my plants while using the LL/S as well, so I have only been hitting my plants with water at least once a day but hitting them with the LL/S every 3 days. I havent FFed them anything other than LL/S and H2O since I started the LL/S and I wish I knew what to do myself.

I'll be checking back in over here, If I can find out anything I'll post it.
I find even the revised DM Nute Calc is way high when I mix, even when using their "Standard" mix strengths. I tried to email them but their email does not work for me. when I try to type in the number nothing happens. I told my hydro store to tell their DM rep, but that was several weeks ago and still nothing.

From my experience, DM seems reluctant to provide useful information.

My girls have stopped stretching, could be that time, or my LL/S is too old. Now that I think about it, the last two LL/S sprays the leafs did not reach for the sky. I keep both the individual liter btls and the mix in the frig, but the mix is now well over a month old. With only 2 small plants growing I don't use much of it.


Taken today

Taken a week ago. Now 3" taller
Ah man
Wish this thread didn't stop all of a sudden

Anyone doing this foliar feeding with the LL/Please
Chime in about the mixing with nutes

I do think my plants were day bigger and faster when I was foliar feeding once a week
Can only imagine two to three times a week
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