English Invader...


New Member

I'm Bray, a 'student of Bountiful Botany at the University of Life', and native of the dark (well, foggy) isle of Britain. I'm a plumber by day, and in the evenings i like to spend my time messing around with music and 'erb. I write choons with my younger brother Charlie in our little bedroom studio at mum n dads house, popping outside every now-and-again to get blessed!

The site looks awesome and i can't wait to become immersed in it's world of wisdom and wonder. Seems like just the place to meet and make plenty of new friends who are into similar things, and also to expand one's own horizons, without getting paranoid that people'll think i'm weird because i smoke dope! Let me tell you now, it ain't the dope...

Smoke on, y'all
Cheers for the warm welcomes, i feel right at home already!

Akorn, i got plenty of questions man, P-lenty. Reckon i'll scour the faq's n forums more thoroughly first tho, so as to avoid peeps having to repeat themselves. But i must say i've already found what sounds like a superb mite eradicator recipe in one of the forums, (unfortunately the girlies are a week into flower so i shan't risk it this time round as the little beggars are relatively anonymous thus far (...he writes whilst touching wood!)), but it sounds like just the ticket for next time!
What do the Tech Team do Endo, or should i think before i type next time?!
Reefer, Bob was the man, i hope you noticed my avatar!
Smoke on, lookin forward to being enlightened in many ways, hopefully before christmas too!!
Smoke On
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