Fall Comes To The Triangle


New Member
Although the calander tells me that the autumnal equinox is still 8 days away, fall seems to have already arrived in my neck of the woods.
In most parts of CA., it rarely rains in the summer. When I went out this a.m. to tend my garden it started to rain. And it's colder than usual, so I had to fire up the wood stove for the first time since late April.
50% of my garden will be ready within the next 7--10 days, and I'm not too concerned with an early freeze, but autumn is definately "in the air".
My only concern, plant-wise, is 2 rather tall heavily S-dom's. They just started to form buds last week and it looks as tho they won't be ready til Halloween.
Maybe the pot God will smile upon this area, but if there's 1 thing I've learned in 40 years of pot growing it's to not count your pounds until they're harvested.
Ranger you must be up north as well. I had some friends in Folsom and Tahoe this weekend. Folsom said it was raining and Tahoe said it was snowing and all the while it was 80 degress in LA. Yeah and not counting your pounds till they are harvested....just learned that one this last week.
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