Federal Judge May Declare Classification As Schedule 1 Narcotic Unconstitutional

But as this thread suggests, it is by law and consequently by justice that wrongs may be righted. On this exteme we have a government constrained by a constitution, and the other is a mob.

Kings and queens, popes, emperors and--some have argued presidents--can all be undone March 25. The broad and deep history of tyranny going back eons can be unmade. We can stop the bullets, the repression of self-inflicted stupidity, and the continuous waste of blood, treasure and innocent lives with this one decision, made by a federal judge in a *court of law*.

Law will see an end to injustice.

The delay of the Mueller Decision and the introduction of CARERS is too coincidental in my book. Mueller is giving congress a chance to fix it before she breaks it all.
Judge Mueller has rescheduled the press conference for April 15.

I have to believe she will rule the CSA's scheduling of cannabis as unconstitutional. She has to be giving congress time to fix it before she breaks it....

Such an announcement on "Tax Day" is ironic in a couple of different ways.
I just read S.683 and I would have to agree with your assessment. If congress is about to remove Cannabis from schedule I (how freakin awesome is that) and now this second delay in the Mueller decision. It certainly seems like someone is giving congress a chance to fix it prior to the decision.

So if congress does not pass this bill, its on them and she overturns it with her precedent setting decision of the century, stating that it is unconstitutional for marijuana to be classified as schedule I. If I were reading the tea leaves. But OMG how wild it would be to hear that on FOX news! They will literally lose their minds either way.

There are other things to consider such as the cases that would be overturned on appeal if the judge declares it unconstitutional. These cases would not likely get the same appeal rates if congress passes s.683. But the rest of the US could finally relax on the other hand if the bill passes. Banks could finally provide services to the MMJ and RecMJ industries. Science could finally be done without DEA consent which would get some real science done here instead of Israel. The bill opens a lot of doors currently closed.

We'll see...waiting
Great points xtrchessreal.

Taking a look at CPAC, with 76% supporting some form of legal access, the future of Fox News is more Ron Paul than Reefer Madness, IMHO. From corporations to cable news, the game is to win the young.
But OMG how wild it would be to hear that on FOX news! They will literally lose their minds either way.

They lost those so very long ago.
“We’re not saying that this is the most dangerous drug in the world. All we’re saying is that the evidence is such that reasonable people could disagree.”
Really? "reasonable people could disagree". I do not see how a reasonable person could argue that cannabis belongs on the CSA as a schedule 1 drug when there is not one bit of evidence to support that argument. So, NO, the evidence is not such but rather the evidence in totality is just the opposite. The Judge should laugh the US attorney out of the court house on this statement alone.
“We’re not saying that this is the most dangerous drug in the world. All we’re saying is that the evidence is such that reasonable people could disagree.”
Really? "reasonable people could disagree". I do not see how a reasonable person could argue that cannabis belongs on the CSA as a schedule 1 drug when there is not one bit of evidence to support that argument. So, NO, the evidence is not such but rather the evidence in totality is just the opposite. The Judge should laugh the US attorney out of the court house on this statement alone.

But she didn't.
Cannabis facts were placed on record :)
No ruling was made to challenge schedule 1 status :(
Rad, I was just commenting on the statement made by the US attorney about "reasonable people".
Rad, I was just commenting on the statement made by the US attorney about "reasonable people".

And I neglected to say I agree with you. Not only reasonable people, but every government commitee requested to review marijuana laws, agree that cannabis should not be a schedule 1 drug. Heck - William F. Buckley was for decriminalization in the 70s.
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