Freedom, Know your Civil Rights


New Member
Know your Civil Rights and you can legalize Marihuana anywhere in the
United States

Just change the Penal Codes to your State!! This is the laws in Texas.

10th Amendment
Equal Rights, Federal power, State power, and the Peoples power

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the State, are reserved to the State respectively, or the people."

10.1 "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution,"
? = Was the power directly given to the Federal government by the Constitution?
No, the right to Property and Liberty are given to the people.

10.2 "nor prohibited by it to the State,"
? = Is TX penal code 481.120-481.121(possession - delivery) prohibited by the State?
Yes, the government doesn't have the right to possession or delivery if the people do not, and the State must violate TX penal code 481.120-481.121 (possession - delivery) to get the evidence to the court room.

10.3"are reserved to the State respectively, or the people."
? = Is the right given to the people?
Yes, the right to property is given to the people. (see 4th Amendment)

If the right is not given to the Federal government by the Constitution, nor prohibited by the State, then the power is given the State, if it is not given to the people.
Remember all State and Federal reprehensive are the people as well, and All people were created Equal.

To know the rest of your Civil Rights check out
Bill of Rights in Questions
Texas Answers
Petition to D.E.A.
yea...what if there was like a massive liberal movement that divided the country into two. first the liberals would have to see themselves as a unified movement to accomplish this, but it could happen. it would end up basically in the second Civil War.....only w/ technology, scary.
I saw we march on washington and pass around a 10 pound blunt infront of the white house!!!! That will show them all!!!!
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