Glow-in-the-"Dark" Flowers

ok took me a minute but i found this

"The chemicals in standard sized highlighter markers are n-propanol, n-butanol and diacetone alcohol. The larger highlighter markers have, in addition, cresol and xylene. All of these chemicals are within the limits set by OSHA for human exposure."

so now i gotta see about the effects of these chemicals on plants i will return
Would be an interesting experiment. Would it harm the living plant? Would the characteristics remain in the dried/cured bud?

Posted half a second after you did. Whoops.

If the stuff has xylene in it then I'm going to forgo the experiment, lol. Use to add it (along with toluene) to 93 octane unleaded to my Turbo Buick to create 100 octane unleaded so that I wouldn't have to continually eat oxygen sensors (the mix actually cleaned them) like leaded racing fuels would. Once spilled a small amount on the rear bumper while fueling and while it ran right off... So did the plastic/rubber on the bumper <ARGH!>. That stuff - at least in any concentration - is NASTY.
N-Propanol is used a solvent in the medical industry, but also is naturally occurring in most forms of fermentation.

it is also said to be broken down in the human body about the same way as ethenol alcohol but has about 4 times the potency.

Plant wise there isn't really any information but doesnt seem like it would kill a plant, maybe it would even have Nitrogen because of the fermentation process or it could just be one of the by products like Ammonium Nitrate is.

more research....
less chemicals is better IMO go with the small ones if your gonna try it, i think i will but prob in a hydro enviorment and i wont be smoking it for sure.
n-butanol is another alcohol that is a common byproduct of sugar and carbohydrate fermentation, aswell as being commonly used in many US beverages. nearly all alcoholic ones.

also thinking about this more for our application im almost positive this can occur in an organic enviorment, i personally use mollassas for my carbohydrates/sugars when growing and i know that when you have any sort of anaerobic breakdown differn't forms of nitrogen are created and even processed some will cause a plant to stretch a lot but other than that there are not a lot of problems that stem from this.

Anaerobic break down happens when fermentation occurs without the proper amount of oxygen present. you want aerobic breakdown to occur for the best nitrates.

thats why when you brew your own teas you add air stones or it will end up fermenting and smelling bad.

so all in all i think n-butanol is alright plant wise also ingestion wise
diacetone alcohol does occur naturally in one kind of grass "sleepy Grass" but i cant find any uses except as a solvent that is directly compared to acetone?

all the information i found basicly told me i didn't know enough to tell one way or the other, it put it in a heath classification of 2 and a storage classification of 3 but hell if i know what that means....

hopefully someone else can find some more info but as it stands i think it is doable with out killing a plant but i dont think it will really thrive?
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