Growing Indoor White Widow & Mango (Do they smell a lot?)


New Member
Im in the baby stage of growing white widow and mango hydroponically. Im going to be growing it indoors, and I was just wondering when they start to bud how skunky/fragrent will they be. Im hoping it wont carry around the whole house.
Re: Growing Indoor White Widow & Mango (Do they smell a lot???)

It shouldn't be too bad.
Re: Growing Indoor White Widow & Mango (Do they smell a lot???)

During the Veg cycle odors shouldn't be a problem. However when you go into flowering things could definitely get stinky.

The two eastiest options are using carbon filters on your exhaust air, OR get an ionizer/ozone generator. I found one on ebay that has a HEPA filter, Ionizer, and an Ozone generator for around $175 including shipping.

I use both because of my surrounding situation. You could stand right outside my space and not even get the faintest whiff of plants.

Good Luck,


Re: Growing Indoor White Widow & Mango (Do they smell a lot???)

so if i get like say an ionic breeze would that keep at least 3 plants for stinking up a room?
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